Market Harborough added to direct-to-lender residential mortgage panel

It brings us great pleasure to announce that Ingard Members can now submit residential mortgage business directly to Market Harborough. The lender assesses each case individually and specialises in offering products which cater to your quirkier mortgage cases.

To submit business, simply call them on 01858 412670 or email and let them know that you are a member of Ingard Financial.

Lending into retirement

  • Lend to a maximum age of 85
  • No minimum income requirement for applicants in retirement or approaching retirement
  • Interest-only options
  • Up to 60% LTV
  • Multiple income sources accepted including foreign currency income and foreign pensions

Solutions for families and friends

  • Joint borrower/ sole proprietor
  • Guarantors
  • Up to 4 borrowers per application
  • Maximum term of 40 years

Mixed use property

  • Maximum of 40% of the property can be used for business purposes

A great solution for customers who want to use part of their property to run their business e.g. B&B, IT consultancy or holiday let.

Here to help

For more information, call our Broker Support Team on 01702 533 400 or arrange a call back.