Lender niches you need to know about

We’re constantly on the look out for unique lender niches which help brokers to place more cases and secure competitive terms. This week, we’ve picked out a few interesting criteria niches from residential mortgage lenders, Aldermore and Platform, which you may not have been aware of.

Platform’s residential mortgage niches:

  • Up to 4.49% lending available for single or joint incomes, irrespective of loan to value, loan type, buyer type (subject to affordability) and 4.85% up to 80% LTV (subject to affordability)
  • Flats up to 10 floors including ex-local authority and up to 90% LTV
  • 100% of second job income with 12 months history
  • Pension contributions and travel costs are not deducted from income
  • Maximum term up to 40 years

Aldermore’s residential mortgage niches:

  • 95% LTV up to £400k
  • Self-employed with 1 year’s accounts up to 85% LTV
  • Help to Buy Equity Loan and London Help to Buy up to 75% LTV to £450k. Loans up to 95% LTV available for new build houses and flats. Family gifted deposits accepted
  • Interest-only up to 75% LTV, sale of property acceptable exit

Here to help

For help placing a case, contact our Specialist Lending & Protection Team:
call us on 01702 538 800 or request a call back