Our Top Tips For Helping your Clients Get Their Property Market Ready

As a Broker, you know that Spring is renowned for being the prime time for a client to put their property on the market. From freshly ground coffee to vases of flowers, there are plenty of well-known tricks for making a property appeal to prospective buyers…. but, before adding the finishing touches, it’s important that your client gets the basics right first. Here are our six top tips to help your client get their property market ready.

Dump the junk!
Declutter before any photographs of your property are taken. Tidy away all personal photographs and knick-knacks, ready for moving. If in doubt, pop all ‘clutter’ such as tea towels and the cosmetics collection growing in your bathroom out-of-sight. Don’t be tempted to ‘ram’ everything into a cupboard. Your viewers don’t want to check the space available under the stairs to be greeted by an avalanche of old magazines and fridge magnets.

Get out the Marigolds
Thoroughly vacuum from top to bottom, dusting all surfaces including staircase spindles and ceiling cornices. Make sure every conceivable surface is spotless for viewers.

Neutralise your home decoration
Whilst zingy colours might be in vogue this season, they’re not to everybody’s taste. You can never go wrong with a fresh lick of paint, in a neutral tone. If you haven’t got the time or spare cash to paint from top to bottom, make sure any scratches or marks are addressed at least.

First impressions last
If you’ve got a driveway or path in front of your property, get the pressure washer on it and pull up any weeds and dead flowers. If required, give your front door a quick lick of paint. The addition of hanging baskets or pots will provide a splash of welcoming colour.
If you have off-street parking, ensure that your vehicle is parked elsewhere when you have so that they can feel the sense of space when they arrive.

The Smell of Success
If you’re the owner of a four-legged friend, ask a friend or family member to tell you honestly whether you’ve gone nose-blind to the smell of wet dog! It’s better to be overprepared – hire a carpet cleaner and thoroughly clean all upholstery. Don’t forget to arrange a sitter for your fur-baby during viewings.
If you’re a smoker, selling your home is another good incentive to give up the habit. Under no circumstances should you smoke indoors whilst your home is on the market. Whilst your favourite candle might smell like heaven, your viewers may not share the same appreciation for the sweet scent of vanilla – go steady on any air fresheners.

Set the scene
Paint a picture of the possibilities for your viewers. If your spare bedroom has manifested into an extension of your wardrobe, clear it out and turn it back into the space for which it was intended.

We know that we can’t rely on the great British weather – if it’s looking gloomy out, cheer up your property with good lighting. If a room feels a little cramped, adding a wall mirror is a classic trick for creating a greater sense of space.

Follow these top tips and you will soon be enjoying your new home. In the meantime, give our team of expert Advisers a call on: 01702 533 400 for a free, no-obligation quote on your mortgage or remortgage.