Merry Christmas from the team

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! ?

Firstly, can we say a huge thank you to our Network Members for all their hard work this year.

It brings us great pleasure to announce that we have welcomed 30 new Mortgage Brokers into the Network over the past 12 months (and counting)! By increasing the volume of business generated collaboratively across all our Members, it means we can raise the bar even higher each year when it comes to forming better relationships (and commission structures with lenders/ providers), plus offer a greater level of support to benefit everyone’s business.

As always, the past 12 months have brought a few big challenges. Firstly, there was a handful of teething problems when we migrated over to the 360 sourcing and CRM system and we thank everyone for their perseverance. Within a few short months, GDPR then hit all industries like a bat out of hell, again making every broker review their day-to-day processes and adapt them accordingly to protect their business.

The good news is that as the email subject line suggests, the future is indeed “merry and bright”. Next year we will be allocating more time to work one-on-one with our Members to help you grow your client banks, improve your knowledge and really get to grips with the sales and compliance process so that all brokers work up to CAS and generate a steady level of business (and income)!

We look forward to working with all of you in the New Year and hope you enjoy the Christmas festivities!

Merry Christmas from all of the team at Ingard!

Opening Hours & Commission Deadline

The Southend and Chester offices will be closed from 12:00 pm on Monday 24th December 2018 to Tuesday 1st January 2019. Normal office hours will resume on Wednesday 2nd January 2019 (09:00 – 17:30).

The cut-off for commission payments will be at 13:00 pm on Friday 21st December 2018.

Here to Help

For more information, contact our Broker Support Team on 01702 533 400 or arrange a call back.