Exclusive bespoke products – reduce the stress for your self build clients

With a self build project, there’s rarely a day when there aren’t bills to be paid and if the funds aren’t available at the right stages of the build, delays are inevitable and often costly.

In the worst-case scenario, your client’s builders may leave their project and move onto another job if they haven’t been paid or don’t have materials to work with.

BuildLoan is acutely aware of the importance of matching cashflow to each project stage, ensuring adequate funding is available at every stage of your client’s project.

The BuildLoan Broker Desk will provide you with the tools to review your client’s individual situation and determine which lenders are best suited to their project requirements and circumstances, ensuring sufficient cash during their build.

The Accelerator mortgage provides guaranteed funds before each stage of your client’s project. Clients can borrow up to 95% of the cost of land or property and up to 95% of the cost of the build.

Accelerator makes the entire process of building a home quicker, easier and less stressful for your client. With the added benefit that it can run alongside your client’s existing mortgage, allowing them to stay in their current home until their new one is complete.

BuildLoan’s bespoke and exclusive mortgage products are only available through intermediaries from an extensive range of lenders.


For more details follow the links:


Funding Solutions:  https://www.buildloan.co.uk/funding-solutions.php

Exclusive Mortgages Designed for Self Build: https://www.buildloan.co.uk/home-builders.php

Stage Payments: https://www.buildloan.co.uk/stage-payments.php


BuildLoan are the UK’s leading Specialist in Self Build, Custom Build, Renovation, Conversion, Home Improvement and Knock down and rebuild mortgages.

For further information on their exclusive products and services:

Call: 0345 223 4447 or Email: enquiries@buildloan.co.uk